Pioneer Day was held on our Collaborative Planning Day on Wednesday, October 5. Students could dress up as a pioneer, cowboy/cowgirl, gold miner, Native American or Coolie. We had so many creative outfits! Students really had an awesome time traveling to each classroom to see the different things that were done in the Pioneer time period. Students played bean bag toss and bean games while enjoying a fresh cow pattie (cookie), and they mined for gold down at Dry Gulch Springs with Mrs. Lowe. From there, they traveled cross country to Mrs. Oldam's for chili and cornbread and to watch Little House on the Prairie. In Mrs. Able's room, students played the Oregon Trail to see who survived the Westward traveling. Finally, students made butter and ate with crackers while making log cabins out of Lincoln logs and made thermatraupes with Mrs. Jett. Students had full bellies and an experience they will not forget! Thank you to all of our parents that helped by sending in supplies, and thank you to Mrs. Blachura and Mrs. Wilson for spending your day with us!