Sunday, September 25, 2011

Jello Cells!

Caroline, AJ, and Taylor

Taryn, Stephen, Blake, Alyssa, and Austin

Noah and Matthew

Monday, September 19, 2011

Jello Cells

We have finished our Cells/Microscopes Unit in Science class.  Students had a great time creating pictures of cells, labeling parts, and looking at microorganisms in the microviewers. During our unit, students created cells with jello cups, grapes, blueberries, and jello.  Each part represented a part of the cell.  Our jello cup was the cell membrane, the blueberry was the nucleus, the grape was the vacuole, and the jello was cytoplasm.  After we created the jello cells, students enjoyed eating their "cytoplasm."  This lesson is always a favorite because there is food involved! Pictures to come...